Julian Gallo

A New York City writer's thoughts on the books he reads. 



February 2017
reviewed: 'Presence: Collected Stories' by Arthur Miller
Of course I’d been familiar with Arthur Miller’s plays for years, as well as his brilliant novel ‘Focus’ (which I’m sure will...
January 2017
reviewed: 'Mr. Kafka and Other Tales in The Time of The Cult' by Bohumil Hrabal
My first foray into the fictional world of Czech author Bohumil Hrabal. A contemporary of fellow Czech author Milan Kundera, ...
January 2017
reviewed: 'Piano Stories' by Felisberto Hernandez
A writer from Uruguay who had more influence on later major writers (Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino, and Gabriel Garcia Marque...
December 2016
reviewed: 'Down The Rabbit Hole' by Juan Pablo Villalobos
Tochtli is the son of a Mexican drug lord living in a mansion in rural Mexico. To the young Tochtli, it is not a mansion but ...
November 2016
reviewed: 'The Last Interview and Other Conversations' by Roberto Bolaño
A collection of interviews with the celebrated Latin American author. For fans of Bolaño’s work, it is a must read, not on...
November 2016
reviewed: 'Colonel Lagrimas' by Carlos Fonseca
Loosely based on the life of mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, Carlos Fonesca weaves a Bolaño/Borges/Calvino-esque tale w...
November 2016
reviewed: '33 Revolutions' by Canek Sanchez Guevara
A very short novel, in 33 chapters, written by the grandson of Che Guevara, who tragically died at the age of 40. This is a h...
November 2016
reviewed: 'The Oblivion Seekers' by Isabelle Eberhardt
The life of Isabelle Eberhardt is one to delve into. The illegitimate daughter of a Russian nihilist who dressed her as a man...
October 2016
reviewed: 'Caterva' by Juan Filloy
How this Argentine writer escaped the English speaking world for so long is a mystery to me. ‘Caterva’ (meaning ‘Horde’ or Ra...
September 2016
reviewed: 'Save Twilight' by Julio Cortazar
This is a second edition of an older publication. The first edition came out a number of years ago via City Lights. The older...